Monthly Worship Schedule
Every Sunday @ 10:00am
Hybrid Sunday Worship Service is provided for both in-person & Zoom.
Please join us for fellowship in the parlor immediately following the worship service.
Our YouTube Channel!! If you’ve recently missed a Sunday morning worship with us, you can now watch a recording of the service on our new YouTube channel! You can follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPuSAlIlFx1Pcu8FAoVj1g to see our Worship services. If you hit the little “subscribe” button, you can get notifications when new videos have been posted!
1st Sunday
First Sunday - Communion Worship Service
2nd Sunday
Second Sunday - Worship with Advent House Fellowship
3rd Sunday
Third Sunday - Special Services including Children's Worship, Mission Dedication, Hymn Sing, This I Believe Statements
4th Sunday
Fourth Sunday - Prayer Worship Worship Service
5th Sunday
Fifth Sunday - Healing Worship Service
Christian Education
Adult Christian Education
Bible Study
Every Thursday @ 10:00 AM - in church parlor or via Zoom
Men's Fellowship
Second Wednesday @ Noon Church Parlor (2nd Floor)
*For more information please call the church office @ 517.484.8433.
Children's Education
Moment with Children: Singing with Children and a time to unwrap the mysteries of the church with children during the Sunday Worship Service.
Other Services
Persons interested in scheduling baptisms, weddings, funerals, ect. should contact the church office @ 517.484.8433